Beverly Blankenship prefers new plays, the work of living authors. When there are enough new plays, then the classics can be fun as well.
July 2025
Beverly´s production of Heimito von Doderer´s WASSERFÄLLE VON SLUNJ, dramatized by Nicolaus Hagg, will premiere at the Festspiele Reichenau in Austria.
Peter Turrinis SERVANT OF TWO MASTERS had its premiere in the summer of 2024 at the Schlossspiele Kobersdorf in Austria.
Theatres she has worked for:
Vienna: Theater in der Josefstadt, Volkstheater, Theater Drachengasse
Austria: Festspiele Reichenau, Salzburger Landestheater
Germany: Staatstheater Saarbrücken, Theater Osnabrück
Australia: Seymour Centre, Sydney, Church Theatre, Melbourne
And many more